Jerry Lynn Potter, a dedicated fabrication welder for Sta-Con Inc, known for his exceptional work on lift stations for water departments, passed away on June 6, 2024, in Zellwood, Florida. Born on May 7, 1947, in Maryville, Tennessee, Jerry led a fulfilling life defined by his commitment to his work and his loved ones. He courageously fought his battle with cancer while working full time and when he wasn’t working, he would spend time with his family. To know Jerry is to know he selflessly took care of his family and friends always. His service extended beyond his career as he bravely served in the United States Army during the Vietnam war. Jerry be dearly missed by his surviving family members: his beloved wife of 55 years, Imogene Potter (nee Cummings); son John Potter; daughter Angela (Ben) Silvino; brother Max Lee Potter; brother James H. Potter; sister Sue Huffstetler; granddaughter Alexandria Revers; granddaughter Taylor Silvino; and great grandson Benjamin Revers. He is now reunited with his father, John G. Potter, and mother, Mattie Agnes (nee Martin) Potter, in eternal peace. A visitation event to honor Jerry's life will take place on June 10, 2024, at Harden Pauli Funeral Home in Eustis, Florida. The visitation will be held from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Jerry Lynn Potter will be remembered for his hard work, dedication to country and family, and the impact he had on all who were fortunate enough to know him. May he rest in peace.